Grammar School Strap

At my grammar school in the north-East, the strap was in full use. The school was mixed but usually it was only boys who had to bend over. But there were exceptions. One chemistry lesson, the teacher asked us to hand in our homework. Most of the boys had done it because they knew the consequences. Half the girls had been to a birthday party the previous evening and relied on the conventional 50 lines usually given to them. But he was in a bad mood! The girls who had not done the homework were ordered out to the front. The dreaded strap appeared to their shock. But worse was to follow. They were bent over facing us and he lifted their skirts before giving them three really hard strokes each. The tears were many and I must admit the boys enjoyed ther spectacle no end. But it finished that teachers career, within a week he disappeared from the school and eventually was re-employed in a local Technical College.